Part VII: Appendixes
The list on the left side of the customization area includes selectable commands that can be added
to any of the built-in ribbon tabs. Commands may be added to an existing group within the tab, or
a new group can be created and positioned within the tab. In addition, entirely new tabs can be
added to the ribbon and built from the commands in the selection list.
Macros (but not VBA functions) may also be added to the ribbon. If you want to trigger VBA code
from the ribbon, you have to create a custom ribbon using XML code as well as using the ribbon’s
“callback” model for the VBA procedures.
Another organizational feature for the user interface is the use of a tab system for open objects
(tables, forms, queries, and so on) instead of independent, floating windows. No more looking for
an object through various task bar and menu items. Each open object occupies a tab for easy refer-
ence. Figure B.4 shows three different objects (Home, Order List, and Employee List) open in the
tabbed workspace. Even though the Customers table is currently displayed in the tabbed area, any
of the other open objects (Home, Order List, and Employee List) is quickly accessible through its
corresponding tab.
Figure B.4 also shows the Navigation Pane in its collapsed state, which allows much more room for
the active form or report in the work area. The ribbon can also be collapsed (as shown in Figure
B.5) to allow more vertical space for forms and reports.
The new tabbed interface is very efficient.
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