Is Null, 188, 206–208
Like, 188, 195–198
list of, 188
lists of values, 203–204
mathematical, 188
Memo criteria, 193–195
for multiple fields, 208–213
multiple values, specifying, 201–203
non-matching values, 198–199
Not, 188, 198–199
Not Like, 188
Null values, 192, 206–208
numeric criteria, 199–200
OLE object criteria, 201
And operator, 208–212
Or, 188, 201–203, 208–212
overview, 187
pattern searches, 197–198
ranges of values, 204–206
referencing fields, 192–193
select queries, 192–193
spaces, 196
string, 188
Text criteria, 193–195
true/false criteria, 200
wildcards, 195–198
operators, mathematical
* (asterisk), multiplication, 174, 188
^ (caret), exponentiation, 175
- (hyphen), subtraction, 173–174, 188
- (plus sign), addition, 173, 179, 188
/ (slash), division, 174, 175, 188
list of, 173
Mod, 175–176
overview, 172
precedence, 185–186
rounding, 175
operators, string
& (ampersand), concatenation operator, 173,
178–179, 188
- (asterisk), wildcard character, 181
“...” (double quotes), around returned strings, 178
- (hyphen), range indicator, 181
(pound sign), wildcard character, 181
? (question mark), wildcard character, 181
[ ] (square brackets), pattern indicator, 181
Like (similar strings), 179–180, 181, 188
[list], wildcard character, 181
[!list], wildcard character, 181
OpenQuery action, 1055, 1056
OpenSales, 1058
operands, definition, 171
operators. See also expressions.
In (list comparison), 184–185, 188
Between...And (range indicator), 184, 188
Is Not Null (not-null value indicator), 188
Is Null (null value indicator), 185, 188
operators, Boolean (logical)
And, 180, 182, 188
list of, 180
Not, 183, 188
Or, 182–183, 188
precedence, 187
operators, comparison
> (greater than), 177, 188
>= (greater-than, equal), 177
= (equal sign), equal, 176, 188
< (less-than sign), less-than, 177, 188
<= (less-than sign, equal), less-than-or-equal-to, 177
< > (angle brackets), not-equal, 176, 188, 198–199
list of, 176
precedence, 186
operators, in queries
And, 188, 204–205
In, 188, 203–204
> (greater than), 188
& (ampersand), concatenate, 188
* (asterisk), multiplication, 188
* (asterisk), wildcard character, 195–198
“...” (double quotes), literal indicator, 194
= (equal sign), equal, 188
! (exclamation character ), Not operator, 195–198
- (hyphen), subtraction, 188
< (less-than sign), less-than, 188
- (plus sign), addition, 188
? (question mark), wildcard character, 195–198
‘...’ (single quotes), criteria string indicator, 194
/ (slash), division, 188< > (angle brackets), not-equal, 188, 198–199
[ ] (square brackets), referencing fields, 192–193
Between...And, 188, 205–206
Boolean, 188
character criteria, 193–195
comparison, 188
complex criteria, 189–192
complex queries, 212–213
functions, 192
Is Not Null, 188, 206–208
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