Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Part I: Access Building Blocks


Watch the scrolltips when you use scroll bars to move to another area of the datasheet. Access does not update
the record-number box until you click a field.

Use the five Navigation buttons (refer to Figure 6.2) to move between records. You simply click
these buttons to move to the desired record. If you know the record number (the row number of a
specific record), click the record-number box, enter a record number, and press Enter.

Also use the Go To command in the ribbon’s Find group to navigate to the First, Previous, Next,
Last, and New records.

Finding a specific value
Although you can move to a specific record (if you know the record number) or to a specific field
in the current record, usually you’ll want to find a certain value in a record. You can use one of
these methods for locating a value in a field:

l (^) Select the Find command (a pair of binoculars) from the ribbon’s Find group.
l Press Ctrl+F.
l (^) Use the Search box at the bottom of the datasheet window.
The first two methods display the Find and Replace dialog box (shown in Figure 6.9). To limit the
search to a specific field, place your cursor in the field you want to search before you open the dia-
log box. Change the Look In combo box to the table name to search the entire table for the value.
The Find and Replace dialog box. The fastest way to activate it is to simply press the Ctrl+F key
If you highlight the entire record by clicking the record selector (the small gray box next to the record), Access
automatically searches through all fields.

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