hen I first saw Access in July 1992, I was instantly sold on this new-generation data-
base management and access tool. I’ve spent the last 15 years using Access virtually
every day. In fact, I eat, breathe, live, and sleep Access!
The fact that it’s possible to earn a living working principally with a single product is a tribute to
the Microsoft Access designers. This product has changed the productivity of corporations and pri-
vate citizens of the world. More people use this product to run their businesses, manage their
affairs, track the most important things in their lives, and manage data in their work and play than
any other product ever written. It is a privilege to be part of this worldwide community.
The Microsoft Office Access 2010 Bible has been completely rewritten for Access 2010, with many
new examples and more in-depth coverage. I’ve covered every new feature I could think of for the
beginning and intermediate users and especially enhanced the programming section. Over 500,000
copies of Access Bibles have been sold for all versions of Microsoft Access; for this, I thank all those
loyal readers.
My first acknowledgment is to all the users of Access who have profited and benefited beyond
everyone’s wildest dreams.
There are many people who assisted me in writing this book; I’d like to recognize each of them.
To Katie Mohr, Jodi Jensen, Tiffany Ma, and the editorial and administrative staff at Wiley. Thanks
for the opportunity to work on this book!
A very big thanks to Doug Steele for his excellent technical editing of the Access 2010 Bible. Doug is
a highly regarded member of the Access community and has been recognized by Microsoft as an
MVP as far back as I can remember. Doug and I go way back to the days when every version of
Access was a new game, and I am honored to have Doug onboard as technical editor. Doug’s long,
long experience with Access shows on every single page of this book. He let me get away with
nothing — he caught problems in examples that I’ve used many, many times as an Access instruc-
tor for AppDev (Application Developer’s Training Company) and presenter at the Advisor confer-
ences. Doug’s well-known sense of humor never left him as he labored over the chapters in this
book, and I learned a lot from his suggestions and guidance.
I can never thank enough Elizabeth Kuball, my sorely neglected project editor on both the Access
2007 Bible and now the Access 2010 Bible. Elizabeth made countless corrections to my prose, catch-
ing hundreds of misspellings and grammatical errors, and suggesting better ways to convey com-
plex concepts. Elizabeth did her level best to keep me on schedule, and made sure deadlines did
not slip any more than humanly possible. Elizabeth never seems to sleep, and even though we are
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