Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1



separated by three time zones, she responded to my e-mails within minutes every time. This book
is much, much better for her hard work and diligence.

To Carole McClendon, the very best literary agent in the business, and all the folks at Waterside
Productions for being my agent.

Thanks also to Rob Tidrow. Years ago, Rob and I worked together at New Riders Publishing in
Indianapolis, and it was he who recommended me as the lead author of the Access Bible. Thanks,

A special thank-you to Clint Covington, Kerry Westphal, Steve Greenberg, Greg Lindhorst, Ryan
McMinn, Suraj Poozhiyill, Russell Sinclair, Wouter Steenbergen, Chris Downs, Eran Megiddo, and
the rest of the Microsoft Access 2010 team! You’ve built a terrific product, and I thank you! Thank
you for your irreplaceable help getting this book done on time.

As an Access developer, I strongly suggest you visit the Access Team Blog (http://blogs. every few days. The Access development team frequently updates this site
with white papers, articles, and news on what’s happening with Microsoft Access. All too often, we
think of Microsoft as a huge, faceless corporation that doesn’t listen to user feedback, but I promise
you that the Access team really, really wants to hear from you. The Access Team Blog is not a mar-
keting Web site; instead, it is a gathering place for Access enthusiasts and supports a strong peer-
to-peer exchange between Access developers in the field (that’s you!) and the people who actually
write the specifications and code for each new version of Microsoft Access. I’ve met the Access
team members on many occasions, and I’m always impressed with their dedication and desire to
learn more about how people use Microsoft Access.

Thanks to these wonderful people, I’m able to deliver a quality book to my readers.

Finally, I dedicate this book to Pam. You are the one. Vos es panton volo.

—Mike Groh

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