Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Chapter 9: Presenting Data with Access Reports


For the purposes of this exercise, the Concourse theme was selected for the new products report.

Creating new theme color schemes
Access 2010 provides several dozen default themes, with each theme consisting of a set of comple-
mentary colors, fonts, and font characteristics. In addition, you can set up entirely new color and
font themes and apply them to your forms and reports. Creating a custom color theme is a great
way to apply a company’s corporate color scheme to the forms and reports in an application.

With a form or report open in Design view, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Colors button in the Themes group on the Design ribbon tab.

The color theme list opens.

  1. Select the Create New Theme Colors command at the very bottom of the list of color

The Create New Theme Colors dialog box (shown in Figure 9.13) appears, showing the
currently selected color theme.

Setting up a custom color theme

Modifying a color theme requires a considerable amount of work. As you can see from
Figure 9.13, each color theme includes 12 different colors. Each of the 12 buttons on the
Create New Theme Colors dialog box opens a color palette (shown in Figure 9.14) where
you select a theme element’s color, such as the color for the Text/Background – Light 2

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