l I use italics for new terms and for emphasis.
l I use bold for material that you need to type directly into the computer.
l I use monofont for information you see on-screen — error messages, expressions, and
formulas, for example.
Icons and Alerts
You’ll notice special graphic symbols, or icons, used in the margins throughout this book. These
icons are intended to alert you to points that are particularly important or noteworthy. I use the
following icons in this book:
This icon highlights a special point of interest about the topic under discussion.
This icon points to a useful hint that may save you time or trouble.
This icon alerts you that the operation being described can cause problems if you’re not careful.
This icon points to a more complete discussion in another chapter of the book.
On the CD-ROM
This icon highlights information for readers who are following the examples and using the sample files included
on the disc accompanying this book.
New Feature
This icon calls attention to new features of Access 2010.
Throughout this book, you’ll notice material placed in gray boxes. This material offers background
information, an expanded discussion, or a deeper insight about the topic under discussion. Some side-
bars offer nuts-and-bolts technical explanations, and others provide useful anecdotal material.
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