Microsoft Access 2010 Bible

(Rick Simeone) #1

Part I: Access Building Blocks


Follow these steps to create a Category group header:

  1. Click the Sort & Group button in the Grouping and Totals group of the Design ribbon tab.

You should see that the report’s data already sorted by Description and Category.

  1. Click the Add a Group button in the Group, Sort, and Total area.

  2. Select Category from the field list, and Access adds Group on Category with A on top of
    the Group, Sort, and Total area.

Access adds Category Header and Category Footer sections to the report’s design as soon
as you select the Category field for grouping. The Category Header section appears
between the Page Header and Detail sections. If you define a group footer, it appears
below the Detail section, and above the Page Footer area. If a report has multiple group-
ings, each subsequent group becomes the one closest to the Detail section. The groups
defined first are farthest from the Detail section.

The Group Properties pane (displayed at the bottom of the Sorting and Grouping box) contains
these properties:

l (^) Group Header: Yes creates a group header. No removes the group header.
l Group Footer: Yes creates a group footer. No removes the group footer.
l (^) Group On: Specifies how you want the values grouped. The options you see in the drop-
down list box depend on the data type of the field on which you’re grouping. If you group
on an expression, you see all grouping options.
For Text data types, there are two choices:
l (^) Each Value: The same value in the field or expression.
l Prefix Characters: The same first n number of characters in the field.
For Date/Time data types, there are additional options:
l Each Value: The same value within the field or expression.
l (^) Year: Dates within the same calendar year.
l Qtr: Dates within the same calendar quarter.
l (^) Month: Dates within the same month.
l Week: Dates within the same week.
l (^) Day: Dates on the same date.
l Hour: Times within the same hour.
l (^) Minute: Times within the same minute.

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