Chapter 11: Mastering VBA Data Types and Procedures
How big is a string variable? As shown in Table 11.1, string variables can contain quite a bit of data. How
much text data could be stored in a single VBA string? The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely
accepted as the definitive reference of the English language. Although not the world’s largest dictionary (the
Dutch Woordenboek de Nederlandsche Taal is considerably longer) the OED is quite impressive. Containing
more than 301,000 main entries, 22,000 pages, and 59,000,000 individual words, the OED is available as a
20-volume printed edition.
As large as it is, the OED is only 540MB of data. A single VBA string variable, therefore, could contain almost
four complete copies of the OED!
When you want to assign the value of an Access field to a variable, you need to make sure that the
type of the variable can hold the data type of the field. Table 11.2 shows the corresponding VBA
data types for Access field types.
TABLE 11.2
Access and VBA Data Types
Access Field Data Type VBA Data Type
AutoNumber (Long Integer) Long
AutoNumber (Replication ID) —
Currency Currency
Computed —
Date/Time Date
Memo String
Number (Byte) Byte
Number (Integer) Integer
Number (Long Integer) Long
Number (Single) Single
Number (Double) Double
Number (Replication ID) —
OLE object String
Text String
Hyperlink String
Yes/No Boolean
Now that you understand variables and their data types, you’re ready to learn how to use them
when writing procedures.