Chapter 11: Mastering VBA Data Types and Procedures
In Figure 11.13, notice that the Control Source property for txtAmount simply calls the
CalcExtendedPrice function. The call does not specify the module that contains the function.
Because CalcExtendedPrice was declared with the Public keyword, Access easily finds it
and passes the required arguments to it.
The CalcExtendedPrice example illustrates an important aspect of Access development: Add a public
function in a single location anywhere in the application’s code and use the function anywhere it’s needed. The
ability to reuse a procedure in multiple places reduces maintenance. Changing the single instance of the func-
tion is reflected everywhere the public procedure is used.
Creating a function to calculate sales tax
In the Collectible Mini Cars application, whenever you add a line item to a sales invoice, you spec-
ify whether the item is taxable. The sales form adds up the extended prices for all the taxable line
items to determine the sales tax for the sale. This total can then be multiplied by the tax rate to
determine the tax.
The Collectable Mini Cars sales form (frmSales) includes a text-box control for the tax amount.
You could simply create an expression for the control’s value such as:
=fSubSalesLineitems.Form!txtTaxableTotal * txtTaxRate
This expression references txtTaxableTotal in the subform (fSubSalesLineitems) and
multiplies it by the tax rate (txtTaxRate) from the main form (frmSales).
However, although this expression displays the tax amount, the expression entered into the txt-
TaxAmount control would make the txtTaxAmount control read-only because it contains an
expression. You wouldn’t be able to override the calculated amount if you wanted to. The tax
applied to a sale is one of the fields that needs to be changed once in a while for specific business
Better than using a hard-coded expression is creating a function to calculate a value and then place
the value of the calculation in the control. This way, you can simply type over the calculated value
if needed.
You could enter the following lines of code at the end of the cboBuyerID_AfterUpdate event
code you created before. This way, each time you choose a new contact on the sales form, the tax
is recalculated after the contact’s tax rate is retrieved on the frmSales form.
txtTaxAmount = _
fSubSalesLineitems.Form!txtTaxableTotal * txtTaxRate
You could also add these lines of code to the AfterUpdate events behind the txtQuantity,
txtPrice, txtDiscountPercent, and chkTaxable controls. Each time the value in any of
these controls changes, the value of the tax is updated.