Chapter 12: The Access Event Model
TABLE 12.2
Essential Form Events
Event When the Event Is Triggered
Open When a form is opened, but the first record is not displayed yet
Load When a form is loaded into memory but not yet opened
Resize When the size of a form changes
Unload When a form is closed and the records unload, and before the form is removed
from the screen
Close When a form is closed and removed from the screen
Activate When an open form receives the focus, becoming the active window
Deactivate When a different window becomes the active window, but before it loses focus
GotFocus When a form with no active or enabled controls receives the focus
LostFocus When a form loses the focus
Timer When a specified time interval passes. The interval (in milliseconds) is specified by
the TimerInterval property.
BeforeScreenTip When a screen tip is activated
Form mouse and keyboard events
Access forms also respond to a number of mouse and keyboard events, as shown in Table 12.3.
TABLE 12.3
Form Mouse and Keyboard Events
Event When the Event Is Triggered
Click When the user presses and releases (clicks) the left mouse button
DblClick When the user presses and releases (clicks) the left mouse button twice on a form
MouseDown When the user presses the mouse button while the pointer is on a form
MouseMove When the user moves the mouse pointer over an area of a form
MouseUp When the user releases a pressed mouse button while the pointer is on a form
MouseWheel When the user spins the mouse wheel
KeyDown When the user presses any key on the keyboard when a form has focus or when
the user uses a SendKeys macro action
KeyUp When the user releases a pressed key or immediately after the user uses a
SendKeys macro action
KeyPress When the user presses and releases a key on a form that has the focus or when the
user uses a SendKeys macro