Chapter 19: Advanced Access Form Techniques
in the Pages collection. If the second page is selected, the Value property returns 1 , and so on.
The page’s position within the collection corresponds to the value of the PageIndex property for
that page.
A tab control can contain virtually any type of control, including text boxes, combo and list boxes,
option buttons and check boxes, and OLE objects. A tab control can even include other tab controls!
Although a form can contain multiple tab controls, it’s probably not a good idea to overload the user
by putting more than one tab control on a form. After all, the reason you use tab controls in an appli-
cation is to simplify the form by fitting multiple pages of controls within a single control. In most
cases, there is no point in challenging the user with more than one tab control on a form.
Using Dialog Boxes to Collect Information
The dialog box is one of the most valuable user-interface components in Windows applications.
When properly implemented, dialog boxes provide a way to extend the available screen space on
the computer. Instead of having to place every text box, option button, and other user input con-
trol on the main form, dialog boxes provide a handy way to move some of these controls to a con-
venient pop-up device that is on the screen only when needed.
Dialog boxes usually collect a certain type of information, such as font attributes or hard-copy param-
eters. Dialog boxes are a valuable way to prefilter or qualify user input without cluttering the main
form. Or use a dialog box to allow the user to enter query criteria before running a query that popu-
lates a form or report, or to gather information that is added to a report’s header or footer area.
Although they are forms, dialog boxes should not look like or behave as other forms in the applica-
tion do. Dialog boxes often pop up over the user’s work. When properly implemented, dialog
boxes also provide a means to simply cancel the query without breaking anything on the user’s
A typical query form implemented as a dialog box is shown in Figure 19.16. This simple form
gathers information that is used to query the database for order information.
FIGURE 19.16
A dialog box used to collect data for an ad hoc query