Chapter 25: Advanced Data Access with VBA
FIGURE 25.12
Creating a dialog box that opens a form
Although not implemented in frmFilterProducts, the cmdOK_Click event procedure could
also contain a DoCmd.Close statement to close the dialog box after it has opened frmProduct
Example4. Or, you may elect to keep the dialog box open to make it easy for users to select
another product category to view.
This chapter examines several fairly advanced techniques for working with data on Access forms.
In each case, a few lines of VBA code is all you need to make a form more efficient and effective for
The With keyword is used to save execution time by not referencing the controls on the form explicitly
(that is, directly) — for example, Forms!frmProductsExample4.SetFocus. This syntax requires
Access to search alphabetically through the list of forms in the database container. If there are 500
forms (and some large systems have this many or more) and the form name started with z, this would
take a considerable amount of time. Because there is more than one reference to the form, this process
would have to take place multiple times. The With command sets up an internal pointer to the form so
that all subsequent references to controls, properties or methods (like Requery or SetFocus) of the
form are much faster.
When you use the With keyword and reference the form name, you simply use a dot (.) or an excla-
mation point (!) to reference a control, property, or method just like the Forms!FormName was first.
You can see this in Figure 25.12.
For each With, you must have an End With.
Using the With keyword