Building Materials, Third Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

VR f2w—

  1. Briefly describe the following:
    (a) Dressing of stone
    (b) Quarrying
    (c) Preservation of stone

  2. (a) Describe the principal rock forming minerals.
    (b) Describe the properties and uses of any five varieties of stones suitable for construction

  3. What considerations would guide you in selecting stone for use in the situations mentioned
    (a) Face work of a building (b) Structure facing sea
    (c) Marine structures (d) Dams
    (e) Railway ballast (f) Road metal

  4. (a) What are the tests to which a stone should be subjected before it is selected for building
    (b) How would you identify kankar, limestone, sandstone and laterite?
    (c) What are the different methods used in dressing building stones?

  5. Name the stone you will select for the following works. Give a justification for your choice.
    (a) Random rubble masonry
    (b) Coarse aggregate for reinforced cement concrete
    (c) Bed plate for a girder
    (d) Building in industrial area
    (e) Cornice in a building
    (f) Railway goods platform

  6. (a) What are the qualities you would look for in good building stone for masonry work?
    (b) What natural features will indicate whether the stone can be quarried by wedges?
    (c) What are the types of explosives generally used in blasting the rocks?
    (d) How do you quantify the requirement of explosives in blasting rocks?

  7. (a) What precautions are exercised in storing explosives?
    (b) When is it required to quarry stones by blasting?
    (c) What is the significance of line of least resistance?

  8. Give the characteristics and uses of the following stones:
    (a) Granite (b) Sandstone
    (c) Marble (d) Slate

  9. (a) What are the important considerations which are to be carefully attended before
    selecting a quarry site.
    (b) Describe the process of blasting rocks. State the precautions to be exercised.

  10. Describe the various weathering agencies responsible for deterioration of stones. Suggest
    the precautions to be exercised to reduce the decay of stones caused by these.

  11. Distinguish between the following:
    (a) Quarry and mine
    (b) Stratified rocks and foliated rocks
    (c) Plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks
    (d) Siliceous rocks and argillaceous rocks.

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