Building Materials, Third Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1
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  1. Describe briefly the following:
    (a) Qualities of a good building stone
    (b) Natural bed of stone
    (c) Artificial stone
    (d) Quarry dressing of stone

  2. (a) Describe briefly the tests you will conduct to assure the quality of stones.
    (b) It has been recommended to provide sandstone tiles on the facia of a multistorey
    building. The climate in the region is equatorial. If you agree with the selection, justify
    it or otherwise suggest some other stone with the reasons for the selection.

  3. Name the various types of stones which are used for building works and give in brief the
    specifications for a good building stone.

  4. (a) What is the natural bed of stone? Why is it necessary to set a stone along its natural
    (b) How would you classify the stone for engineering works?
    (c) Discuss the agencies responsible for deterioration of stone. How can stone be preserved?

  5. Briefly describe the following tests of stones:
    (a) Durability test
    (b) Crushing test
    (c) Shear strength test
    Also, state the significance of each of them.


  1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the
    List-I List-II
    (Mineral) (Property)
    A. Felspar 1. No cleavage
    B. Gypsum 2. Hardness
    C. Mica 3. Split along one or many directions
    D. Limonite 4. Readily soak in water
    (a)ABCD (b)ABCD
    1432 1423
    (c)ABCD (d)ABCD
    4231 2431

  2. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the
    List-I List-II
    (Property of Mineral) (Definition/measurement)
    A. Hardness 1. Splitting of minerals along
    planes parallel to crystal faces
    B. Streak 2. Shine on mineral surface
    C. Cleavage 3. Mohs scale
    D. Lusture 4. Mineral colour in powdered form

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