Building Materials, Third Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1
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  1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the
    List-I List-II
    (Type of Rock) (Formation process)
    A. Dolomite 1. Action of earth movements
    B. Shale 2. Precipitation of salts
    C. Sandstone 3. Deterioration of magmatic rocks

  2. Accumulation of plants and animal remains
    (a)ABC (b)ABC
    234 241
    (c)ABC (b)ABC
    143 243

  3. Granite, after metamorphism transforms to
    (a) quartzite (b) gneiss
    (c) schist (d) slate

  4. Dolomite after metamorphism changes to
    (a) marble (b) quartzite
    (c) slate (d) phyallite

  5. Marble is a
    (a) stratified rock (b) unstratified rock
    (c) foliated rock (d) argillaceous rock

  6. The most suitable explosive used under water is
    (a) dynamite (b) gun powder
    (c) gun cotton (d) rock-a-rock

  7. The most suitable explosive used in construction of tunnels is
    (a) dynamite (b) cordite
    (c) gelignite (d) lithofacteor

  8. Which of the following is not a tool used for dressing stones?
    (a) Mallet (b) Mason's hammer
    (c) Crow chisel (d) Jumper
    20 Which of following stones has least % water absorption by volume?
    (a) Trap (b) Slate
    (c) Quartzite (d) Limestone

  9. Which of the following stone has maximum % water absorption by volume?
    (a) Shale (b) Granite
    (c) Slate (d) Quartzite

  10. Trap is a
    (a) argillaceous rock (b) silicious rock
    (c) calcarious rock (d) stratified rock

  11. A rough estimate of the quantity (A) of dynamite required in grams for blasting rocks is
    give by
    (a) L^2 /0.008 (b) L2/3/340
    (c) L^2 /500 (d) none of the above
    where L is the length of line of least resistance.

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