Building Materials, Third Edition

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Es2g   IRW

The CaO available to combine with SiO 2 is total CaO minus (free CaO + c 1 + c 2 + c 3 ); call this
difference c. Then the total silica (s) is calculated first to combine with CaO to form C 2 S. Since
the ratio 2CaO  SiO 2 : SiO 2 = 172.20 : 60.06 = 2.87:1, each percentage of s × 2.87 is the percentage
of C 2 S. This first approximation of C 2 S is entered in column 8, opposite SiO 2. By subtracting this
value of C 2 S from the sum s + c, the amount of CaO (called c 4 ) available for combination with
2CaO  SiO 2 to form 3CaO  SiO 2 is determined. Since the ratio 3CaO  SiO 2 :CaO = 228.27:56.07
= 4.07:1, multiplying c 4 by 4.07 gives the amount of C 3 S which is entered at the foot of column

  1. By subtracting this value of C 3 S from c + s, the true percentage of C 2 S is found and entered
    in column 8.
    Should the computed percentage of C 3 S be greater than c + s, no C 2 S is present. In that case
    the content of C 3 S is found from the ratio 3CaO  SiO 2 : SiO 2 = 228.27 : 60.06 = 3.8 : 1. Hence, the
    percentage of C 3 S is obtained by multiplying the percentage of SiO 2 by 3.8. This latter value of
    C 3 S, subtracted from c + s, gives the percentage of uncombined lime. This last condition can
    only be obtained when lime is in excess of the amount required for equilibrium and the free
    lime has not been deducted.
    Since errors in chemical analysis of 0.2 per cent in determinations of lime, alumina, silica, or
    iron oxide will make errors up to 1.5 per cent in certain compounds, percentages for the
    compounds should be rounded off to whole numbers. If the ignition loss is high, the analysis
    should be reduced to a clinker basis prior to compound calculations.
    As previously mentioned, Bogue's method of calculation is based on the assumption that the
    clinker is slowly cooled at such rate that equilibrium is maintained and the crystallization is
    complete. Lea and Parker have shown that values calculated by the bogue method may be
    considerably in error if the clinker liquid crystallizes independently o f the solids formed, or if
    cooling is so sudden that no crystallization takes place and glass is formed. For the case of
    independent crystallization and a clinkering temperature of 1400°C, they show that Bogue's
    method is correct for cements with Al 2 O 3 /Fe 2 O 3 ratios between 0.9 and 1.7, but for ratios
    between 1.7 and 6.1 their corrections to be added are :

C 3 S, + (1.8Al 2 O 3 – 2.8Fe 2 O 3 )
C 2 S, + (2.1Fe 2 O 3 – 1.4Al 2 O 3 )
C 3 A, + (2.5Fe 2 O 3 – 1.6Al 2 O 3 )
C 4 AF, Nil
Thus for a cement with Al 2 O 3 = 7 and Fe 2 O 3 = 3 per cent, the correction to C 3 S = 4.2, to
C 2 S = –3.5, and to C 3 A = –3.7 per cent.
For very rapid cooling of the clinker, the liquid is formed into glass and they show that no
C 3 A or C 4 AF appear but the amount of glass is + (2.95Al 2 O 3 + 2.2Fe 2 O 3 ). For this case their
corrections to Bogue's values for C 3 S and C 2 S are: C 3 S, + (1.8Al 2 O 3 – 2.8Fe 2 O 3 ); C 2 S + (1.9Fe 2 O 3

  • 2.1Al 2 O 3 ).

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The chemical reaction between cement and water is known as hydration of cement. The reaction
takes place between the active components of cement (C 4 AF, C 3 A, C 3 S and C 2 S) and water. The

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