Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
90 ... Gabriel Morris

anything that helps you get your feet more firmly planted on the
ground is probably a good thing.
And don’t forget one of the most ancient and commonly practiced
spiritual exercises—when in doubt, breathe! Too often, I’ve found
myself in a state of stress and tension, only to realize that I’m not ad-
equately breathing. Breath is indeed life, and deep breathing signals
an intention and willingness to be in the present moment. No mat-
ter where you are or what you’re doing, taking deeper breaths will
likely be of great help, especially in the case of transmuting spiritual
energies. Kundalini, prana and chi are all closely intertwined, and
they may even be precisely the same thing, just different words. (I
don’t claim to be an expert on any of them, so someone else might
disagree.) Either way, breathing deeply helps get the prana flowing;
this in turn helps clear chakric blockages, where the energy needs
to flow freely. The more you can help the Kundalini to carry out its
intrinsic objective of unifying with the crown chakra, the quicker it
will be able to evolve and transform your nervous system, and in so
doing take you from a state of pain and desperation, to the spiritual
healing and wholeness which is its ultimate goal.
Though it would be ideal to find guidance, suggestions, and heal-
ing techniques from an outside teacher who is experienced with this
phenomenon, understand that, ultimately, Kundalini itself is the teacher.
It might be more convenient if there were a simple, straightforward
program to follow in dealing with these intense and erratic Kundalini
symptoms. But in my understanding, this is not possible.. Although
you may have to go through it alone, there is much that can be done
to ease the discomfort and facilitate healing while aligning with the
energy. As mentioned, a key aspect of the healing process is to do
whatever brings you more into your body. The experience of the
electric and magnetic energies battling it out can be so painful that
the reaction is to try to get out of what may seem to be the cause of
the pain—the body itself. But the body only gives pain in response
to energetic imbalance, and so is actually the most effective place to
be if you want to heal—because it will tell you right where these

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