Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1

c h aP t e r 13


lthough the Rainbow Gathering in New Mexico was also
an amazing experience, I went through a wide range of tur-
bulent states during my three weeks there. My Kundalini
symptoms were far from resolved. I was slowly learning to integrate
what I was experiencing internally with my outer, daily life, but it
was still a huge struggle. Every day I grappled with how to handle
the intense energy flowing through my being without being totally
overwhelmed by it.
Though the daily excitement of traveling proved in some ways
more tolerable than the past six months at my mom’s house in Uki-
ah, it was still difficult to find lasting balance with my symptoms,
due in part to the new challenges that went along with the traveling
lifestyle. My diet was erratic, my sleeping patterns were subject to
whenever and wherever I might find somewhere to crash for the
night, and my relationships with people were constantly shifting.
Though I had definitely improved since my despair of the spring,
I was still immersed in a great deal of ongoing anguish, the end of
which I still could not really envision. But at least it seemed that my
condition was, in fact, improving over time, if slowly. All I could do
was remain present with things as best I could, stay anchored in my
body and mind, and hope that this was, eventually, guiding me to a
state of healing and normalcy.
I came across Jeffrey once again a few days after arriving at the
New Mexico gathering. He’d also had an interesting adventure get-
ting there from the Oregon regional gathering. He had come with
four other guys in another crazy van journey. They’d run out of mon-
ey somewhere in Colorado and ended up busking (playing music on
the streets) in Boulder for a few days before they (literally) drummed

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