Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 1

we followed the directions a few miles up a dirt road, through one of
the small canyons on the edge of town. Soon, we came across some
other dusty vehicles parked alongside the road. A few other travelers
were gathered nearby, playing drums and guitars around a small fire.
We joined them with a drum and a couple of didgeridoos, and played
music well into the night. We slept there under the starry night sky
rimmed by red rock cliffs.
Someone at the musical gathering told us about some small caves
at the north end of town, that sounded like a good place to set up
camp for the remainder of our stay in Sedona, however long that
might be. We found them the next day after a little adventuring; but
they turned out to be more like shallow overhangs in the cliff face
than actual caves. But they would make an interesting place to sleep
for a while, as a change from our usual spot by the river. The three of
us planned to stick around the area a little longer and see what else
it might have to offer. We were all waiting for a sign pointing us in
another direction.
Natty, Apollo, and I spent that evening talking and watching the
stars amidst the mystical desert surroundings; and eventually fell
asleep in our separate, dusty little cave-like dwellings, halfway up a
cliff on hard red dirt with big, black bugs crawling over us through-
out the night.

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