Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
10 ... Gabriel Morris

In that moment, I knew with certainty that I was guided, that I was
protected, that I could trust the universe to bring me whatever I
might need or want in life, simply by allowing it to work its miracles
through me.
On some level, I was creating my own reality here, I was responsi-
ble for this—and for everything else, both beautiful and painful, that
had occurred in my life these past few whirlwind years. How could
I not believe that there was something strange and miraculous hap-
pening in my life, and in the world? I was experiencing it at almost
every turn, no doubt about that. And yet somehow, I felt certain, I
was also making it happen.
This was the art of being, what I was experiencing right here and
now. I only had to look around to see that something of profound
significance was taking place both around and within me. The planet
was transforming in some subtle, deep, mysterious way. And I was
changing along with it. My soul was evolving into something I could
hardly comprehend—though I could see it beginning to emerge from
within me, like the bud of an acorn reaching for the sky.
What would I be like when the change was complete, if it ever
was? How long would it take to find true peace and balance? What
would I feel like when that happened? What would I do with myself?
Would life be truly different then, compared to now? How would I
know for sure when I had arrived, so to speak, at the right place, at
the right time?
Though the questions plagued me, I knew that, for the time at
least, finding the answers didn’t really matter. Right now I was in this
moment, in this human body. The most important thing was for me
to simply be there. As long as I was rooted in the soil of the moment,
the sun would continue to shine, the rain would fall, and nutrients
would be provided as I needed them. As long as I was willing to learn
from life’s myriad lessons, then I would be guided—one way or an-
other—and would grow, over time, into the fullness of being.

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