Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
12 ... Gabriel Morris

energy in some form, which can be tapped into and utilized, once
understood and directed.
Kundalini, as I understand it, is the primal universal energy of life
and of consciousness. When properly aligned within one’s human
spiritual and physical being, it has the power to change your mind,
like nothing else can. It is the fuel for the soul, the fire of sustenance
that provides for us throughout our lives, and beyond. We all need
some measure of this life-giving spiritual energy in order to survive,
whatever you might choose to call it—Kundalini, chi, prana, spirit,
etc. The measure in which we allow it to move through us and in-
vigorate our body, mind, and soul determines to some extent how
alive we really are.
With all that said, I wish to emphasize a word of caution to spiri-
tual seekers interested in experiencing for themselves this flow of
vital energy. Please do not try to force the awakening of Kundalini, as
the results (as is hopefully apparent by my story) can be dangerous.
If possible, find a teacher with experience in the matter who can help
guide the process. Or else, simply remain open to the possibility of
such a spiritual awakening occurring naturally and allow it to happen
of its own accord, at the right time.
They say that the universe never gives you more than you can
handle. I’m not entirely certain that this is true; but looking back, it
seems that I was able to handle what I was given, so hopefully this is
indeed the case. It’s always a risk when facing the darkness of the un-
known. But someone must be the first to venture beyond the known
boundaries. And I believe it’s worth the risk to find out what’s out
there, or in there, as the case may be. Just remember to take a look
before you leap. And safe travels.

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