Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 2

little world, or do I leap into that great unknown abyss within, and in
so doing find the greater reality—whatever that might be—that lay
But on some level I had already made my decision. The part of me
that was on the lookout for a glimmer of truth—searching for some-
thing real to grab onto, courageously pushing forward into unknown
circumstances, yearning for a vision of reality more sane than the one
I found around myself—was clearly stronger than the scared little
ego that thought it had to protect me.
I stood there for a few moments, not knowing what to say, wait-
ing for a thought to save me from the void created by the exchange.
Finally, I mumbled some nonsense...
“Uh, you caught me a little off guard.”
“I know,” he said. “That was the only way to reach you...”
He continued peering directly into my eyes. I felt extremely anx-
ious, but just stood there and felt it. Some part of me desperately
wanted to flee the intensity of his consciousness, gazing out at me
from those dark, knowing eyes. I could tell that he sensed what I
was feeling, but that it was all okay. He saw me for who I was and
wasn’t judging me for it, but merely perceiving and acknowledging
my presence.
“You have a gift of consciousness,” he said. “And you must open
to feel as deeply as you can, if you wish to help heal the tremendous
suffering of this planet.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of this statement. But I resolved to at
least listen to what he had to say. Finally I took my hand from the
door as he continued, the words flowing from him like a waterfall:
“The pain you have been seeing in the world around you is actu-
ally a mirror, reflecting the pain within yourself. Those who see the
pain of the world are those who feel it. But you must understand that
this pain you feel is not just a burden—it is also the doorway to your
deepest beauty, wisdom, and strength. You must open up your own
suffering from deep within yourself and allow it to express. Take a
look at everything your feelings have to say. I can see that they are

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