Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
2 ... Gabriel Morris

crying inside you to be heard—and that you are ready to listen. This
is the time, now, to confront your deepest emotions and fears at the
root level. Though some may say that fear and pain is only an illu-
sion, at times it is the most honest and genuine thing we can experi-
ence—more real than any physical object.”
Tears were beginning to form at the corners of my eyes as he ac-
knowledged my inner turmoil. Before, my conflicting thoughts and
emotions had just been random energy swirling around within me.
Now, it was all beginning to leak out, my surface presentation shat-
“But, if I’m such a wreck inside, what can I actually do that will
make any real difference in the world?” I asked amidst my tears.
“You must begin, starting at the bottom rung, the movement up
the ladder of the seven chakras—the energy centers in our spines
that, in most of us, are deeply blocked and keep us only partially
conscious, trapped in the pain of separation. With the opening of
each of these blockages, you will encounter a place of darkness, a
void absent of love and light. But this darkness, once you allow it to
vibrate and open, can release the pain it holds and be filled with the
presence of spirit, and in so doing come back to life.
“Though God may be everywhere, he is not experienced where
she is not accepted. God is here right now, speaking to you through
me because of your own inner call for understanding. You are be-
ginning to realize, at this point in your life, that although physical
density serves a purpose of learning, it is not really our truest state
of being.
“God has slowed himself down in order to experience herself, and
you and I and everything we see on this plane of existence are ex-
pressions of that experience. This Earth may seem to us to be com-
posed of solid matter, but, as the physicists have known for some
time, this isn’t an entirely accurate view of things. Everything around
us is in actuality light, simply slowed down and separated to create
the varied density of physicality that we experience as the world
around us. And yet, at the center of our beings, we and everything

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