Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 2

are still moving in perfect sync with God, at the speed of light—and
we never slowed down to begin with. Our physical bodies are mere-
ly a stage in this process of evolving someday back to our natural,
fluid forms of pulsing, free-flowing light. This is the great paradox of
existence, what makes it all so mysterious. Our illusion of separate-
ness from all that is, of me and you, us and them, is the yin and yang
of life, the God and not-of-God that is expressed in so many ways in
our universe—as day and night, man and woman, pleasure and pain,
summer and winter, matter and vacuum, heaven and hell, truth and
lies, movement and stillness, peace and war, life and death.
“The universe, encompassing this plane and countless others, is an
infinite ocean, consisting of tiny droplets of matter, currents, waves,
tides, and endless forms of beings. For anything in this ocean to think
of itself as separate or independent of the ocean is a great misunder-
standing. Everything comes from the ocean and goes back into the
ocean. There can be no other way. There is only one ocean of life,
playing with itself, laughing with itself, making love with itself end-
lessly in all directions—constantly moving, creating and destroying,
ever-changing but always being.
“Our true self is not only that part of us which is conscious. We
are like islands in the sea that, on the surface, may seem to be sepa-
rate—but which deeper down reveal themselves as not only directly
connected to those islands nearby, but also to the ground spreading
in all directions and ultimately to everything on the planet. To iden-
tify ourselves with only that which we perceive on the surface of
reality is to greatly cheat ourselves.
“Your quest is to remind yourself of this—to release your limited
sense of self, to burst open all your places of inner darkness, no mat-
ter how ugly they may appear, for they are what keep you from your
inherent infinity. Release the pain of your soul that keeps the clouds
of your mind obscuring the pure light of your inner sun. Release the
illusion that you are anything less than everything. Release the illu-
sory belief that the world around you isn’t real. The world around us
is, in fact, very real. It just isn’t quite what we think it is.

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