Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
2 ... Gabriel Morris

“Understand that your desire to know is that which will lead you
towards what you seek. Desire is not the enemy, but rather the spark
of life within each of us—that part of us which yearns for love and
life and light. Desire for life is that which gives us all life. Desire for
love has the power to manifest love into reality. Trust in your heart,
and the universe will give you all that you need to live. Try to control
your world with your limited sense of self, and you will continually
struggle against a force far greater than you can imagine. As always,
the choice is yours.”
As Jeffrey finished speaking, he lowered his head slightly—his
gaze still interlocked with mine—and smiled with the corners of his
I was completely silent, but reeling inside. There seemed to be
nothing left to be said. At the same time, I was bursting with ques-
tions which refused to coalesce into words. I felt extremely light-
headed and agitated. My mind was pulsating, as if trying to expand
beyond its self-imposed limits. My ears were buzzing, and there was
a knot of fire in my stomach.
“It looks like I’m getting through to you,” he said.
“Yeah, I guess so...” I searched my cluttered mind for something
more to say. “It all makes sense, I suppose...but how can I actually
trust myself to find the truth that I seek, without going astray?”
“It will come to you,” he said. “Don’t worry. If you truly desire love
and healing—and look and listen for it—then it will reveal itself to
you, one way or another. As Jesus said, ‘Seek and ye shall find.’ Just
open your heart, and you will be guided. And try to lose your mind
for a while,” he chuckled. “It’s clearly not doing you much good.”
He then suggested that I go to bed—I looked like I needed some
I said goodnight and walked upstairs in a daze. When I got back to
my room, I sat down on my tattered little couch to meditate and try
to focus my scattered energy. But I couldn’t resolve my inner turmoil
right then. I was just too tired. Finally I crawled into bed and fell into
a deep but troubled sleep.

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