Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
 ... Gabriel Morris

in the process. Whether or not this made any rational sense didn’t
matter much; somehow it seemed like a real possibility at the time.
Day after day I was hit by random waves of electric shocks
throughout my body and consciousness that left me shaken, battered,
disoriented, and paranoid. The electric current rushing through my
body—especially at the tops of my hands and feet—felt at times as if
it might actually fry my flesh. My bones took on the feeling of hard,
cold, electrified metal. My muscle control seemed to be impaired so
that eating, walking, and hand-eye coordination required great atten-
tion and concentration, due to an apparent gap of some sort between
my mind’s command and my body’s response.
My nervous system, as a whole, had gone completely haywire. I
would regularly wake up in the middle of the night in agony, over-
whelmed by flashes of light within my mind and appearing visibly
all around me, that were so intense I feared they might render me
Energy was manifesting through me in so many different forms,
I could hardly keep track of what I was experiencing. I felt simulta-
neously as if I were being crushed, pummeled, and constricted into
nothingness; as well as being pulled apart in all directions, on the
verge of being ripped into shreds. I was continually being pushed,
pulled, bombarded, hit, twisted, and squeezed by the tremendous
force rising spontaneously within me. And on occasion I could feel
a subtle, yet powerful pulsation coming from somewhere in the vi-
cinity of my root chakra, like the roar of a great machine, surfacing
momentarily to reveal the source of my anguish.
I went on many long walks to distract myself. Though nothing
seemed to truly alleviate my turmoil, at least walking in the woods
at the edge of town served as a diversion and helped a little to chan-
nel the extraordinary flood of energy rushing through my mind and
body. Given that I didn’t know what else to do, I just had to stay with
it as best I could and hope that things would improve over time.
But I should mention that ultimately, in my experience at least, the
only way to truly align with this force is to bring it directly through

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