Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 

your being—allowing it rise up through all of the chakras and purify
them. Denying it, ignoring it, or finding other channels for the en-
ergy that move it out or away from you will only prolong the time it
takes to transform the nervous system. Once the Kundalini has been
activated within an individual, there seems to be no way to shove it
back down or to get around dealing with it. It has to be allowed to
come into the chakric system, flow freely and work its magic—or it
will simply remain in a state of imbalance and
ungroundedness, and thus continue to be experienced as pain, rath-
er than as the deep vitality that is its true nature. Once the Kundalini
power is fully awakened, it cannot effectively be controlled or over-
powered, it cannot be avoided, it cannot be accepted within con-
stricting limitations of the mind, it cannot be channeled around the
self, because the pain of its coming into one’s soul is too much to
bear. Once arisen, Kundalini will take you on a wild ride that won’t
let up until it has found total acceptance and balance.
Again, this is purely my own experience and subjective under-
standing. Not all who undergo Kundalini awakening go through the
same challenges that I faced. The experience is particular to each in-
dividual—some apparently report simply experiencing a rush of bliss
that invigorates their mind; others say that they find themselves un-
able to sleep, yet fully energized, for weeks at a time; others have
something resembling an out-of-body experience. There are plenty
of books on the subject (which I eventually came across, months
after my experience).
Pain and suffering relating to Kundalini is, as always, simply a
matter of imbalance and blocked energy of some sort. If the chakric
centers are fairly open and clear when the Kundalini is activated, less
pain will be experienced, because there are fewer blockages in the
energy’s path as it rises to the crown chakra. I guess that I had my
share of roadblocks in the way that needed to be rammed through. I
know that’s more or less what it felt like.
Ultimately, Kundalini is simply the pure energy of conscious be-
ing. It has the power to fully clear our physical, mental, emotional

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