Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
 ... Gabriel Morris

and spiritual bodies, if we allow it to. It is a positive force, even if it
can be difficult to deal with in many cases. But be careful—awaken-
ing the Kundalini by trying to force it can be dangerous, as the power
of this energy might be beyond a person’s ability to handle. Heart at-
tacks may, in some circumstances, actually be the result of premature
Kundalini arousal. The heart center is the balancing point between
the crown chakra and the root chakra. If the mind is overwhelmed
by this force and can’t stay present enough to balance with it, the
heart may simply give up and quit. I don’t think it’s a coincidence
that I was having heart trouble myself, just prior to my Kundalini
The electric shocks that I was experiencing, I realize now, were
the result of my mind coming into contact with the lower-chakra
Kundalini fire and struggling to integrate with it. If viewed in terms of
electro-magnetism, then the mind, or thought, is the positive, electric
force (masculine), and the Kundalini is the negative, magnetic force
(feminine). Whenever they touched one another, I experienced a sud-
den electric shock, as the magnetic and electric forces snapped back
together. These two apparently opposing energies were actually try-
ing to find balance and alignment within my consciousness—though
it felt more like a battle raging through me.
Seen in a broader context, these two energies of masculine and
feminine have been battling one another all through human history,
as men and women struggling to find balance with each other—
women generally being subdued, suppressed and oppressed by men.
Putting the pieces together, I can now understand one of the reasons
why men can be afraid of women’s power—when experienced out
of balance, it feels like an electric shock!
But one must understand that these imbalances, in the form of
electric shocks and everything else that was occurring within my ner-
vous system, do not have to last indefinitely. This is merely what one
may feel as these polarized energies come back together into their
more natural state of union, and the old charge of tension is released.
It may feel more like a terrifying collision than union at the time,

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