Creating a Successful Leadership Style
She found that issues were rarely raised because no one reviewed any- thing. So, at the second meeting, the items she had pointe ...
example, over the years, Ms. Valletta saw this committee address topics from revising the school’s safety plan to establishing a ...
limited by everything from Title I and other funding guidelines to the contractual provisions of several unions. Ms. Valletta ma ...
Ms. Valletta wanted to make sure that a certain teacher was not on a par- ticular committee, it just happened that that committe ...
Another major policy statement determined by an Academic Affairs Committee concerned guidelines for marking and grading. Ms. Riv ...
For example, these students worked all year to attain good grades. They were upset when they saw that other students who did lit ...
More attention was paid to making sure that instruction was spiraled, ensuring continuous review of material taught in previous ...
or career. To deny this is to deny the role of the teacher charged with all aspects of a child’s education, not just examination ...
would record credit awarded by project completion for the class failed, but no grade that could improve the GPA. The committee d ...
was sure that whatever subject she broached with them would be kept confidential. All assistant principals need such sounding bo ...
for the general public. The garments were modeled by the students. The fashion show director, assisted by fashion design staff, ...
same regulations as students participating on varsity teams. So, a student who did not meet the requirements in any given markin ...
security is by definition an advocate for school safety and the needs of the many taking priority over the needs of the one. It ...
system. Over time, a new position of testing coordinator was added, as the tracking of student progress on standardized tests be ...
running of the school. Of course, your key instructional leaders are your assistant principals. How to prepare for their replace ...
Visit new students in one of their recitation classes to teach a lesson on the importance of doing well during this crucial tra ...
121 Let’s start by saying that all of us have our strengths and weaknesses as people, as teachers, as school leaders. If we are ...
special days (e.g., the day before the winter recess) and events (e.g., retirements, marriages, etc.). He was a factor in buildi ...
However, if the teacher is respected and liked, the school leader will be seen as unfair and maybe even capricious. While ensuri ...
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