Creating a Successful Leadership Style

(Steven Felgate) #1

Preface xiii

Is this book relevant to you if you do not plan to become a school leader?
Yes. If you are interested in how the mind of a school leader works and
how a school leader uses a supervisory style in his daily interactions with
the myriad of people and situations in a school, you will enjoy this book.
True, the school leader is me, and my mind and point of view are neither
brilliant nor unique; however, this is true of most school leaders, ordi-
nary people trying to do an extraordinary job in an increasingly complex
society. Anyone interested in the world of modern education will glean
insights into how leaders lead, schools operate, and children learn.
When you finish this book, you may wonder whether the various prin-
cipals, assistant principals, and teachers mentioned in this book are real
people or figments of my imagination. They are all real. The principals are
all avatars of this author, representing different stages of my own career
and experience.

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