Creating a Successful Leadership Style

(Steven Felgate) #1
SSAs, one to be at the door and the other to patrol the rented sections
of the building. This ensures safety for the renters, protects the school
plant, and provides security for any students and staff in the building for
after-school activities or sporting events.

  • Through the SSAs, the administration will keep the precinct informed
    of special dismissal times, school events (such as dances or varsity
    games), and important visitors (such as the superintendent) so they can
    provide additional police support around the school.

  • Precinct youth officers and the school’s liaison sergeant will be invited
    to attend special school activities.

Mr. Chen also wanted his administration and staff to cooperate with
the police of the local precinct. This was and is controversial. Schools are
considered safe havens and there are ethical issues about involving police
in school matters. However, Mr. Chen followed some simple unwritten
If a crime was committed, the police were called. There is no reason
why a student should be exempt from the legal process simply because
of the locale. A minor theft or a typical student fight would be handled
by the deans. A major theft would be handled by the police (he once
had a student report the theft of five thousand dollars; yes, drugs were
involved). If a child was seriously injured by another child, the police
would be called.
Sometimes, when police were called to the school, the responding of-
ficers decided the school should handle the matter. However, they under-
stood that their presence at the dean’s conference with the children and
parents stressed the potential seriousness of an incident.
In other cases, the police arrested the perpetrator. A strong message is
sent to the student body when they see a fellow student being taken out
of the building by the police. Of course, the student’s parents were called
and asked to meet their child at the police station. A member of the school
staff accompanied the child and stayed with him until the parent arrived.
Mr. Chen understood that such cooperation is a two-way affair. Some-
times, an officer came to Mr. Chen’s office in search of a student wanted
for questioning in an incident unrelated to the school. There are strict rules
governing such matters. But Mr. Chen could help by calling the child’s
parents and informing them of the police’s need to speak with their child.

Remember the Support Staff 157

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