Creating a Successful Leadership Style

(Steven Felgate) #1

Appendix D: Highlights of the 2001–2002 School Year

This school year began with the tragedy of September 11th. Obviously,
there can be no highlights that would in any way diminish this terrible
event. Fortunately, none of our students lost parents or siblings in either
the World Trade Center disaster or the crash of flight 587. As a result
of the former, for most of the fall semester, our school became a “host”
school for the staff and students of the H.S. of ——. Their school is two
blocks from “ground zero” and needed to be refurbished before they could
return. Our school received recognition for this help: a commendation
from the Board of Education; a commendation from the United Federation
of Teachers; a visit from former President Bill Clinton.
Mayor Giuliani advised all New Yorkers to get on with their lives and
return to normalcy. At Fashion, we have tried to do this and it is appro-
priate that we continue to celebrate the achievements of our students and
staff in our annual Highlights publication.

  • Student Sang —— won the annual Wasserstein Perrella Christmas Card
    Contest. The card became the holiday card for Wasserstein Perrella,
    mailed out to their international clients and contacts. Sang —— re-
    ceived credit for her design and a savings bond.

  • The Mural Book by Janet —— (our own visiting artist) features two of
    the student murals that currently grace the walls of our student cafeteria.
    Students in past classes of Ms. —— and Mr. —— created these fine
    works of art.

  • Through a special grant, students and staff of this school were se-
    lected to participate in a special project which will create a poster to

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