Creating a Successful Leadership Style

(Steven Felgate) #1
house and met with designers, stylists, and other staff. They were able
to see how fittings were done and how workspace was utilized. Our
school was given special credit in the press kit for the show. Ms. ——
made the arrangements and accompanied the students.

  • Esther ——, poet, writer, teacher at Marymount and CCNY, conducted
    poetry workshops for ninth grade English honors classes. The students
    wrote ballads, odes, and poems of direct address. Their work was sub-
    mitted to the City College Poetry Festival and our school’s own literary
    magazine. Ms. —— coordinated this program.

  • Our students’ work was represented in a special exhibition, NYC Kids
    Respond to a World in Crises. Their work was on exhibition at the
    Diane von Ferstenberg Studio Gallery from April 16th through April
    26th. Ms. —— coordinated our school’s submissions to the Alliance
    for Young Writers and Artists (Scholastic Art and Writing Awards).
    Their artwork and poetry was published by the Alliance for Young Art-
    ists and Writers, Inc. in Artifacts: Kids Respond to a World in Crisis.
    This included artwork by Jessica ——, Michael ——, Joshua ——, and
    Angela —— and poems by Joshua —— and Guillermina ——.

  • John ——, the New York Times, has expanded his mentoring role with
    our students. In addition to advising our school publications staff, he has
    helped several seniors with their college and scholarship applications.
    This spring, he is planning a field trip for our newspaper and literary
    magazine staff. This is Mr. ——’s tenth year helping our students.

  • The art works of Sharlene ——, Ebony ——, and Eliza —— were
    selected for the PriceWaterhouseCoppers exhibition. The students and
    their teacher, Ms. ——, were invited to a special opening reception on
    March 26th.

  • Sasha —— is a winner of the New York 1/Citibank Scholar/Athlete
    Scholarship. On March 15, she was interviewed on the NY1/TV Sports

  • Student Terese —— received a Certificate of Merit for her entry in the
    2002 Barnard College/CBS Essay Contest. She was honored at a cer-
    emony on April 9th. Terese is a student in Mr. ——’s class.

  • Student Elizabeth —— was one of only five New York City high
    school students selected to participate in the Students Inside Albany
    Conference from April 14 to 17. Elizabeth was selected on the basis of
    her essay “What Three Steps Would You Propose to Increase Citizen

Appendix D 219

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