Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook

(nextflipdebug5) #1

20 Part I: Eating Right with Every Bite

In addition to dark urine, other signs of dehydration include

✓ Parched mouth
✓ Dry skin

✓ Fatigue

Water is certainly the best thing to drink. If you don’t like the taste of water,
try adding some lemon or lime juice or a sugar-free flavoring packet. Try to
stay away from fruit juice because it can lead to dumping syndrome, which is
discussed later in this section. Juice can also sabotage weight loss because it
contains a lot of sugar and calories. If you must drink fruit juice, limit yourself
to about four ounces a day and dilute it 50/50 with water.

If you love coffee, tea, or carbonated beverages, you’re going to have to make
some changes. The caffeine in coffee, tea, and colas can be dehydrating, and
it will be challenging enough to stay hydrated as it is. Go for decaffeinated
tea or coffee, and don’t add calorie-laden cream and sugar. A little skim
milk and artificial sweetener should be fine. Carbonated beverages are not
recommended because they can distend your pouch and lead to uncomfortable
gas and bloating.

Just a word about alcohol — don’t. Like the drinks above, alcohol is a diuretic,
meaning it has a dehydrating effect on your body. You may also metabolize
alcohol differently than you did before surgery. Always check with your
surgeon before introducing alcohol into your diet.

Sip fluids slowly and don’t use straws. Drinking too quickly can lead to nausea
and a feeling of fullness and even vomiting. Straws can introduce air into your
pouch and lead to gas and bloating. (Chewing gum does the same thing.)

Avoiding the dreaded dumping syndrome

Dumping syndrome is a miserable condition that may happen to those of you
who have gastric bypass surgery. Symptoms can range from mild to severe
and may include

✓ Nausea

✓ Diarrhea
✓ Light headedness

✓ Cold sweats
✓ Abdominal cramping

✓ Weakness
✓ Fast heartbeat
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