Physics of Magnetism

(Sean Pound) #1


and hence the susceptibility by

In a polycrystalline sample, one has crystallites with all orientations relative to the field.
Since the number of orientations lying within of the inclination is proportional to
we have for the susceptibility of a piece of polycrystalline material or for a powder sample



This leads to

The above results for the magnetic susceptibilities are generally found to be in qualitative
agreement with the properties observed for polycrystalline samples of several simple anti­
ferromagnetic compounds. A sharp maximum in the susceptibility at the Néel temperature,
or, equivalently, a sharp minimum in the reciprocal susceptibility, are generally consid­
ered as experimental evidence for the occurrence of antiferromagnetic ordering in a given
Let us consider the effect of an external field H on a magnetic material for which the
magnetization is equal to zero before a magnetic field is applied. The work necessary to
generate an infinitesimal magnetization is given by

The total work required to magnetize a unit volume of the material is

For antiferromagnetic materials and comparatively low magnetic fields, we may substitute
into this equation. After carrying out the integration, one finds for the free energy
change of the system

It can be seen in Fig. 4.3.2 that below the Néel temperature This means
that the application of a magnetic field to a single crystal of an antiferromagnetic material
will always lead to a situation in which the two sublattice moments orient themselves
perpendicular to the direction of the applied field or nearly so, as shown in the right part of
Fig. 4.3.2. With increasing field strength, the bending of the two sublattice moments into
the field direction becomes stronger until both sublattice moments are aligned parallel to
the field direction and further increase of the total magnetization is no longer possible. The

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