experimental value of This procedure can also be followed in cases where more than
one crystal-field parameter is required. In fact, it is just this process of curve fitting that
reveals how many parameters are needed in each case and what their values are.
For completeness, we mention here that other experimental methods to determine sign
and value of crystal-field parameters comprise inelastic neutron scattering and measurement
of the temperature dependence of the specific heat. In the neutron-scattering experiment,
the energy separation between the crystal-field-split levels of the ground-state multiplet is
measured via the energy transfer during the scattering event between a neutron and the atom
carrying the magnetic moment. In the specific-heat measurements, one obtains information
on the change of the entropy with temperature. The entropy is given by S = k ln W, where
W is the number of available states of the system. Clearly, W can change substantially
when more crystal-field levels become available by thermal population with increasing
temperature. The way in which S changes with temperature, therefore, gives information
on the multiplicity and energy separation of the crystal-field levels.
Once the magnitudes (and signs) of the parameters have been determined exper
imentally, one wishes, of course, to know the origin that causes the values of to have
a particular sign and magnitude in a given material. For simplicity, we will consider again
the case of a simple uniaxial crystal field for which we have determined experimentally that
and that it has a level scheme as shown in Fig. 5.2.2. Using Eq. (5.2.8), we have
Since is a constant for each rare-earth element with a given J value and since also the
expectation values of the 4f radii are well-known quantities for all rare-earth elements,
one may also say that the fitting procedure discussed above leads to an experimental value
for the parameter
In Section 5.2, we mentioned already that the coefficients associated with the
series expansion in spherical harmonics of the crystal-field Hamiltonian (Eq. 5.2.3), can be
written in the point-charge model in the form of Eq. (5.2.4). In the particular case of
after transformation into Cartesian coordinates, one has
where the summation is taken over all ligand charges located at a distance
from the central atom considered. Since, in a given crystal structure, the distances between
a given atom and its surrounding atoms are exactly known, it is possible to make a priori
The main problem associated with this approximation is the assumption that the ligand
calculations of which then can be compared with the experimental value.
ions can be considered as point charges. In most cases, the ligand ions have quite an
extensive volume and the corresponding electrostatic field is not spherically symmetric.
Also, the magnitude of
and in some cases even the sign of is not accurately known.