(Tina Meador) #1
Category Name Title Resister Bystander Helper Champion

Administration Maurice Gagnon Chai r of the Board
Bri an Johnson Pres i dent & CEO
Jenni fer Smi th VP Technol ogy
Guy Trembl ay VP Human Res ources
Ann Pri ce Pers onnel Manager
Cheryl Stewart VP Fi nance
Fred Wi lliams Account Manager

Marketing Catheri ne Lalonde VP Marketi ng
John Si mons Marketi ng Coordinator
Roger Thomas Mi l itary Market Manager
Sam Seto Commerci al Market Manager

Manufacturing Ri chard Wright VP Manufacturing
Ral phy Jones Shop Supervisor
Jane Cowan Qual ity As s urance Manager
Rob Brown Uni on Representative

Research & Development Scott Bel l VP Res earch & Devel opment
Ganes h Seth Technol ogy Manager
Seanna Grey Mi l itary Devel opment
James Cl arke Commerci al Development

Diagnosis: Stakeholder Interviews


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