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Further reading

Dyson, E. (1998) Release 2.1. A Design for Living in the Digital Age. Penguin, London. Chapters
5 Governance, 8 Privacy, 9 Anonymity and 10 Security are of particular relevance.
Garfinkel, S. (2000) Database Nation. O’Reilly, Sebastopol, CA. This book is subtitled ‘the
death of privacy in the 21st century’ and this is the issue on which it focuses (includes
Internet- and non-Internet-related privacy).
Slevin, J. (2000) The Internet and Society. Polity Press, Cambridge. A book about the Internet
that combines social theory, communications analysis and case studies from both aca-
demic and applied perspectives.
Zugelder, M., Flaherty, T. and Johnson, J. (2000) Legal issues associated with international
Internet marketing, International Marketing Review, 17(3), 253–71. Gives a detailed review of
legal issues associated with Internet marketing including consumer rights, defamation and
disparagement, intellectual property protection, and jurisdiction.


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