(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The figure suggests that the way companies should use digital technologies for mar-
keting their products will vary markedly according to product type. In some, such as cars
and complex financial products such as mortgages, the main role of online marketing
will be to support research, while for standardised products like books and CDs there
will be a dual role for the web in supporting research and enabling purchase.

The use of the Internet and other digital media to support marketing has been granted a
bewildering range of labels by both academics and professionals. In this section we review
some of the different definitions to help explain the scope and applications of this new
form of marketing. Before we start by defining these terms, complete Activity 1.1 which
considers the relative popularity of these terms.

What, then, is Internet marketing? Internet marketing can be simply defined as:

Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies.

This succinct definition helps remind us that it is the results delivered by technology
that should determine investment in Internet marketing, not the adoption of the tech-
nology! These digital technologies include Internet media such as web sites and e-mail as


What is Internet marketing?

Activity 1.1 What’s in a term – what do we call this ‘e-thing’?

To illustrate how different marketers perceive Internet marketing.

There are a range of terms used to describe Internet marketing – it is called different things by
different people. It is important that within companies and between agency and client there is
clarity on the scope of Internet marketing, so the next few sections explore alternative
One crude, but revealing method of assessing how commonly these terms are used, is to use
the Google syntax which returns the number of pages which contain a particular phrase in
their body or title.
Type into Google the following phrases in double quotes or use intitle: “phrase” for these
phrases and note the number of pages (at the top right hand of results page):
“Internet marketing”
“Digital marketing”

Internet marketing
The application of the
Internet and related
digital technologies in
conjunction with
communications to
achieve marketing

visit the
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