The program was not nearly as good at
correcting lateral aberrations in JPEG images.
DxO says that this is because our sample
images were not OoC (Out of Camera) JPEGs
produced directly by the camera and claims
better results for OoC files. Our correction
attempts left obvious artifacts in our target
and skyscraper images, and the lack of
manual adjustment options makes DxO
unsuitable for everyday JPEG corrections.
Good automatic lateral corrections in RAW
but poor JPEG results and the absence of
profiles and manual settings make Optics Pro
a mixed bag. Axial corrections were
consistently good for RAW and JPEG images.
The program is a recommend for RAW
photographers who use popular equipment
covered by the its proprietary profile modules.
Adobe Lightroom
Lightroom uses the same profile-based ACR
(Adobe Camera Raw) RAW conversion module
as Photoshop. Our test delivered great results
for lateral aberrations in both Lightroomand
ACR, and the filter’s handling was exactly the
same in both programs. Unfortunately, both
were unable to produce usable results for our
axial aberrations, and failed to remove the
blue fringe in the portrait, the purple fringe in
the tree image and our dolphin’s colored
Lightroom’s automatic filter produced
markedly better results when correcting RAW
images automatically using lens profiles,
although a little manual tweaking improved
things quite a bit for our lateral aberration
test. The small number of Canon and Nikon
lens profiles available in JPEG mode makes
manual correction unavoidable for many
images. If you have the choice, always shoot
RAW images – the range of lens profiles for
making corrections later on is much broader.
In contrast to ACR, Lightroom allows you to
select a lens profile without first having to
select a camera model.
All in all, Lightroom is a great program, but
still has a lot of room for improvement when
Chromatic Aberrations | Software Test
DxO Optics Pro
effectively filtered
out the axial
aberration on the
model’s chin. The
before/after and
magnified views
display significant