Today, they’re wearing body armor, helmets, night vision
goggles, flash bang grenades, battering rams, and automatic
weapons. They drive around in armored personnel carriers.
They’re using drones, surveillance, etc.
We have a heavily militarized police force in every county
and town in America. Under government direction, that mili-
tarization could be used to keep social order. These are the
kinds of scenarios you’re looking at if the system collapses.
■ Critical Thresholds for Quitting the Dollar
There is something called a “Hypersynchronous Ising Model”
that illustrates how the dollar can collapse. It demonstrates how
confidence can be lost and how tenuous and dangerous the dol-
lar’s situation is today contrary to what policymakers say.
Let me give you a very plain English explanation of it.
Imagine you’re in a room of 300 people listening to a lec-
ture on complexity theory. Everything is going smoothly until,
suddenly, four people get up and run out of the room as fast
as they could.
What would you do?
I dare say you would do nothing. You’d think that’s odd or
rude. Maybe you’d figure they got a text message or something
urgent came up where they were late for something and had
to go. Meanwhile, you’d stay in your seat to listen to the rest
of the wonderful lecture.
Now, what if it was the same exact situation, except one
hundred people suddenly got up and ran out of the room as
fast as humanly possible. What would you and the people seat-
ed around you do? I dare say you’d be right behind them!
You wouldn’t know why. Maybe you’d think that place is
on fire, but you wouldn’t stick around to find out. The collapse
of the dollar will be no different.
The point of the illustration is to show what’s called the