How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1

The Financial Warning You Were

Never Supposed to Hear

You may be surprised to learn what I’m about to tell you. But
the globe’s most connected financial insiders recently signaled
that the markets are on the brink of catastrophe. Many of these
global elites are already taking steps to prepare for the worst.
Fortunately, it’s not too late for you to take concrete steps to
protect your own wealth ahead of time.
There’s an old saying in the stock market that when prices
are about to collapse “nobody rings a bell.” In other words, it’s up
to you to be alert to important turning points in markets. No ana-
lyst or adviser is going to tell you exactly when the bull market
is over. In fact, they probably don’t know themselves; the experts
will be taken just as much by surprise as everyday investors.
Yet sometimes, the global power elites do ring a bell. But
they ring it for the wealthiest and most powerful individuals
only. Everyday investors like you are not intended to hear it.
One of these insider warnings was sounded recently...
On June 29, 2014, the Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) issued its annual report, which said markets had be-
come “euphoric.” That report went on to say that “Time and
again...seemingly strong balance sheets have turned out to
mask unsuspected vulnerabilities.”
The BIS, based in Switzerland, is a private meetinghouse
for the most powerful central bankers in the world. It exists

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