How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1



Abu Dhabi, oil and financial
power of, 227
aggregation, excessive, in theory of
marginal propensity to consume, 44
Ahamed, Liaquat, behind-the-scenes
account of the IMF by, 235–36
AIG, derivatives held by, in housing
bust, 92
Algeria, as potential contributor to oil
bust through its political instability,
anti-dollar alliance, 23–25
arrests by government in dystopian
future, 4
art, preserving wealth through owner-
ship of, 3
Asian tigers, role of, in financial crisis
of 1998, 173–74
assets, 50, 57, 60–62
Austrian economics, complexity theory
in relation to, 258–59
author, the
access of, to government officials,
childhood of, 164–66
collaboration among economists and
scientists sought by, 170–71
determination of, to learn what was
wrong with Wall Street, 168–69
discovery by, of insights of complexity

theory, 168–71
at Long Term Capital Management,
83–84, 166–67
overview of career of, 163–64
personal portfolio of, 261–62


by IMF, 174
of LTCM, 177
bank accounts
freezing of deposits in, 18–19, 246–47
monitoring by government of, in
dystopian future, 5
withdrawal limits imposed on, 19
bank closures, prospect of, 249–50
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
estimate by, of emerging-market
corporate debt, 85
as intermediary of major gold trans-
actions, 156
Bank of Japan (BOJ), money printing
by, 137–39
bank runs, psychology of, 146
concentration of assets among big, 18
as middlemen in the energy sector,
reluctance of, to lend, 54
small and local, vs. big, 246–47
too-big-to-fail, 18
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