How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1

Society for Worldwide Interbank Funds
Transfers (SWIFT), Iran’s abortive
entry into the, 127–28
soup lines, in the New Depression, 26
sovereign wealth funds, financial at-
tacks by, 31–32
special drawing rights (SDRs)
definition of, 255
diminishment of dollar dominance
through use of, 24, 190–91
distinguished from local currencies, 256
expected issuance of trillions of, by
the IMF, 236–37
international settlement through, 2
price-setting and benchmarking of
currencies’ value through, 2
spillover effects, 99–100, 141, 172,
stable dollar, 257
Stinnes, Hugo, German hyperinflation
weathered successfully by, 59–61
stock market
bubble in the, 197
bullish scenario for, 107
crash in, motivated by scramble for
gold, 160–61
strong dollar
the age of the, 122
deflationary nature of a, 86,
106–107, 257
effect of, on forcing other countries
to break their pegs to the dollar, 141
explained in part by expected inter-
est–rate hike, 116
structural change
examples of, 26, 241
foreseeability of, 17
likelihood of, 256
structural problems
monetary/cyclical problems distin-
guished from, 16
in the New Depression, 26
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The
(Kuhn), 185
subprime mortgages, regulators sur-
prised by problems in, 84

Summers, Larry, negative interest rates
proposed by, 5, 252
swap contracts, 184
in the energy sector, 89–93
Swiss Army, in negotiations with VIA
MAT, 158
Swiss franc, surprise revaluation of the,
Swiss National Bank
deception against the Swiss public by
the, 142
abandonment by, of Swiss franc’s peg
to the euro, 139–40
banking system of, 251
referendum on linking the Swiss
franc to gold, 142
systemic risk. See financial risk


taxes, 54–55, 65, 230, 263
deflation’s impact on collection of, 65
as a cause of deflation, 70–71
role of, in financial crisis of 1998,
thought crimes
in dystopian future, 5
tipping points
in geopolitics, 35–36
in global financial system, 100,
183–84, 245
Tokyo stock market
link between U.S. hedge funds and
investment banks and the, 175–76
transfer payment, inflation as equiva-
lent to, 43
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
(TIPS), short-term, as providers of
inflation and deflation protection, 258
trust in markets, erosion of, 2, 4
tug of war. See price instability
as arbiter of regional disputes, 223
bad neighborhood around, 224
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