bubble and impeded capital forma-
tion in, 222
as emerging market nearing devel-
oped status, 221
entry of, into the currency wars, 222
good news and bad news on, 221–22
from hyperinflation to mild inflation,
positive growth prospects for, 222
short-run vs. long-run potential of, 224
U.S military, expertise of the, 231
U.S. Special Operations Command
Bitcoin’s use by terrorists combated
by, 228–29, 231
J36 unit of the, 228
U.S. Treasury bonds and notes
inverse performance to the S&P 500
stock index, 210–11
investment in, as a safe haven, 210–12
liquidity of, approaching maturity, 212
sanctions for Russia’s occupation of,
U.S. strategy lacking in, 135
underwater, homeowners under asset
deflation going, 43
unemployment, measurement problems
associated with, 26
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
comeback story of, 224–28
investment in, 227–28
United Kingdom, price index of
suspension of gold standard by, 21
United States
deal between Saudi Arabia and, 130
desire to let China accumulate gold,
financial war between Iran and,
financial war between Russia and,
130–36, 204–205
as major creditor nation and gold
power, 21
parallels with Weimar Germany, 238
sanctions lifed on Iran by, 129–30
USA Patriot Act, privacy and liberty lost
through the, 6–7
vault, reputable non-bank, 249
definition of, 51
hyperinflation produced in part by
increasing, 47–48, 56–57
VIA MAT, rush by, to build vault space, 158
Volcker, Paul, shock therapy used by,
46, 64
Wasatch-Hoisington U.S. Treasury Fund
as deflation “trade,” 213–15
interest-rate risk borne by, 212–13
owning SHY and, 213–15
as a Treasury-only mutual fund,
weak dollar, 140
money vs., 267
moving, without detection, 207–208
protecting, against monetary
collapse, xi
wealth effect, anticipated, given zero
interest rates, 110
wealth management products (WMPs),
Chinese investment in, as Ponzi
scheme, 74
wealth preservation strategies, 3, 7,
Weimar Germany, 49, 56–57, 59–61,
West Shore Real Return Income Fund, 50
When Money Dies (Fergusson), 239
windfall-profits tax on gold, 263
World Central Bank, in dystopian
future, 2–3
World War I, role of, in history of
reserve currencies, 21