How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1


‘The Big Drop: How to Grow Your Wealth During the Coming
Collapse’ might strike you as a trite title for a worn-out topic.
In the seven years since the 2008 crisis, we’ve seen forecasters
publish countless tomes that predict financial calamity.
This book is different. Its author’s experiences, connections
and scientific knowhow rescue it.
You may think the warnings contained in this book do not
apply to you here in Australia. That the looming collapse of the
American dollar as the world’s reserve currency is a uniquely
American problem.
This kind of thinking is a terrible mistake.
During the last global financial crisis, we in Australia
dodged a massive bullet. Our ‘get out of jail free card’ was an
abundance of natural resources...and a booming China.
But the price of iron ore — our chief export — has roughly
halved in just the last year.
Investment in mining, energy and public-backed infra-
structure is expected to drop by more than 60% between now
and 2018, according to ANZ.
Australia no longer enjoys the protections and advantag-
es necessary to survive a global financial crisis of 2007/
magnitude. And, as this book demonstrates, the next crisis is
going to be orders of magnitude larger...

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