How to grow your wealth during the coming collapse?

(Martin Jones) #1

The Greatest Unwind in Economic


Early signs indicate that the greatest unwind in modern eco-
nomic history could begin this year in China. For many inves-
tors, the fallout will be painful. If you’re properly positioned
ahead of time, however, I believe you can profit.
To do so, it’s important to understand the dynamics in play.
Bubbles have three consistent characteristics: They are easy
to spot; they persist longer than most investors expect (that’s
why they’re bubbles in the first place); and they end badly
with massive losses for investors who are still in at the top.
These three traits are related in terms of investor psychol-
ogy and behavior. Even when investors see a bubble, they of-
ten cannot resist riding the wave, because they assume they’ll
be smart enough to get out at the right time. The fact that
bubbles last longer than most analysts expect tends to validate
this investor assumption. People waiting on the sidelines for
bubbles to pop are routinely ridiculed by those reaping large
gains as the bubble expands.
But in the end, the bubble profiteers tend to stay too long at
the party and suffer massive losses, as bubble markets can eas-
ily lose 30% or more in a matter of months, sometimes weeks,
as assets are dumped and investors head for the exits. Today,
the greatest bubbles in modern economic history are in China.
China is at risk of seeing multiple markets in real estate,
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