Writing of fashion
It is clear that Fashion utterances are entirely derived not from a style
but a writing; by describing an item of clothing, or how it is worn, the
writer/journalist invests in his words nothing of himself [sic] nor of his
psychology; he simply conforms to a certain conventional and regulated
style (we might say an ethos), which furthermore announces immediately
that it is from a Fashion magazine.
Fashion ideology
on the rhetorical level there is a signified that corresponds to the writing
of Fashion, which is Fashion ideology.
The world aimed at by written Fashion ignores opposites,... one
can be presented with two apparently contradictory characteristics
between which there is nothing that requires making a choice.
Fashion text
as Fashion is a phenomenon of initiation, its wording naturally plays a
didactic role: the Fashion text represents in some way the authoritative
wording of someone who knows everything that is behind the confused,
Chapter 13
Showing How Rhetoric