Night and Low-light Photography Photo Workshop

(Barry) #1



  1. Adjust the image by using exposure com-
    pensation. I have found that, depending on
    the brightness of the sign, I usually need to
    underexpose by at least a full stop.

  2. Take another photograph and make adjust-
    ments if needed.
    The neon sign for the Arizona Café seems to float
    against a black background, but if you look
    closely, you can see the brick wall to the right of
    the sign in Figure 8-13.

  3. Set the camera on a tripod.

  4. Compose the image and lock the camera
    into place.

  5. Set the camera to aperture priority mode
    and pick an aperture that you like.

  6. Set the camera to spot metering mode.

  7. Take a photo and check the exposure on
    the camera’s LCD.

ABOUT THIS PHOTO At times, a sign can serve two purposes:
to tell you what the product or service is and where to get it, like this
parking sign in downtown San Diego. Taken at 1/320 second, f/2.8, and
ISO 800.


ABOUT THIS PHOTO The Arizona Café sign seems to hang in
space. Taken at 1/800 second, f/2.8, and ISO 400.

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